4 definitions by Cum Junkie Walter

A law enforcement officer, usually street smart and more ofton then not very good looking. Many like to get drunk after their shift and many are gay and have HUGE cocks, which they know how to use.
I always thought John the cop was gay, but he hooked up with my wife when I wasn't around and he fucked her silly beggin for more from his big cock!
by Cum Junkie Walter November 15, 2005
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Usually a women but can also be a man that likes to suck on a pussy so furious that all of the females love juices leave her and end op on the chin of the pussy eater. Then they more on to the mext twat to taste again.
John ate my pussy so good that I swear it was like he was a lesbo in heat! He said that my juice/ cum tasted like it was gin! What a good twat taster he is! Then he ate out my sister too!
by Cum Junkie Walter November 15, 2005
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Similar to a district attorney, who who is in charge of investigating a crime and then tries to secure a conviction in court. Latest trend is for the P.O.'s office to bust cops since they could never make it as one!
Man the county prosecutors office can't get a conviction from someone who confessed to the crime, so they sent the case back down to the municipal court for them to worry about. John the cop with the most awards is under the gun again for doing his job. I wish the prosecutors office would just leave him alone.
by Cum Junkie Walter November 15, 2005
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A male or female, but usually a male that will forsake his own getting off to suck and eat cum from a mans cock
John sucked off Steve and then Mark while Mark was sleeping. John is such a cum junkie.
by Cum Junkie Walter November 15, 2005
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