2 definitions by Cullen W.

Where you put a bunch of crackers in your mouth and mush them up and fill your mouth with cracker mush. then you smack your cheeks and shoot it out in someone's face.

(As seen on The Green Mile where "wild bill" does it to the guard with a moon-pie.

He got "Carolina Cracker Jacked" by wild bill.
by Cullen W. May 24, 2006
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All those stories about beaners starting it up in the 70's or whatever is not true.

It is really the anniversary of The Columbine High Shooting in 4/20/99
The two kids that shot up the school were both Neo-Nazis and decided to do it on Adolf Hitler's Birthday, Which is 4/20

Then some kid thought it would be cool to make it weed day or whatever.
its also Carmen Electra's Birthday.
"Those kids were smokin at 4:20 in the afternoon."
by Cullen W. June 5, 2006
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