1 definition by Cristina D

He is a rlly nice loving and CUTE guy.He will always be there for u no matter what even at ur lowest.if u happen to come by a Jakub in ur life idc take his last name straight away.Having jakub in ur life is most likely the best thing that could ever happen.He is one of the best ppl u would ever even meet.He will always help u out when ur having a tough time however he will need comforting too.Jakub has quite a few different moods but the best ones must be when he’s rlly happy or when he’s hyper.If u ever end up getting close with him or even more than just friends consider urself the luckiest.He would never judge u by the way u r or look instead he likes to compliment u till u start feeling better about urself.if u ever have one in ur life he and his heart better not get broken.he is the sweetest.I’d marry him if I were u tbh

Me:I love you<3
by Cristina D February 24, 2022
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