2 definitions by Crimflare

A retard who plays Roblox

Used as a replacement for the word retard to bypass the Roblox chat filter.
"My team is full of rotards."
"coolboyJimmy223 is such a rotard."
by Crimflare February 1, 2022
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A trading scam in video games where the victim is asked to trade his items for nothing as an act if trust. The scammer promises to return the items after the trade, but keeps the items instead.

This scam is commonly used in Roblox to trick rotards.
Scammer: Wanna trust trade?
Rotard: ok
Scammer: I'll trade your stuff back
(trade completed)
Rotard: ok trade it back
Scammer: *leaves game*
by Crimflare February 1, 2022
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