2 definitions by CowTipper67

A person who is heavily indebted in the streetwear fashion style, so far as to call it a way of being, a lifestyle, etc. Often times a person will sacrifice other beloved sections of their lives, such as disconnecting from their friends and family, or giving up on other previous interests and hobbies, in order to keep their addiction to streetwear alive.
You see Steven over there? He's been hanging out with those cigarette-smoking streetrats.

They think wearing Supreme gives them personality. Those streetrats are in for a rude awakening.
by CowTipper67 May 10, 2017
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The time of day, starting at 3AM or later until you sleep/pass out, when your body, void of alcohol, decides that you are drunk, high etc.
I didn't mean to offend you last night. You know I was on 3AM Mode.

You should see her when she on 3AM Mode. She says the craziest shit!
by CowTipper67 March 23, 2016
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