1 definition by Coolwell

From it's Arabic roots Amal ( أمل ) signifies hope, whilst it's Celtic origins lead it to mean water.

Amals are incredibly considerate to the point of frequent willing self-destruction for others.

With a right arm that will lovingly cradle you, a voice to soothe you, just know that the left might slap you if you cross the line. If you've invoked the wrath Amal, you truly have done something wrong and are being reminded of what is truly good. This ultimate defender complex naturally draws people of all kinds to feel an innate sense of worship, since afterall, Amal reminds us of hope.

Amals are always brimming with affection to give, this often manifests in them taking care of fluffy animals most particularly rabbits. His/Her affection however is given too indiscriminatingly, leading to many to take it for granted and not truly appreciate his/her and the blessing he/she gives. It thus has become common practise to show to an Amal that you are not taking them for granted by shouting/making clear that, "They are Amal-zing

Jith is a word that comes from ancient Greek and it means "God" or "King"

Amaljith is a one stop solution for your hope.
by Coolwell November 24, 2021
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