2 definitions by Cool Kid Sam

The misspelling of Frankie, which is preferred over the much less common name Francis.
WHAT? Did you seriously just misspell Frankie? Haha, YOU ARE STUPIDEST PERSON EVER, LMFAO! It’s Frankie, not Framkie.
by Cool Kid Sam September 27, 2019
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Normally quite popular due to his very uncommon name, he mostly hangs out with heaps of larger people because of his lack in size. He’s considered a player, a druggy and has a weird sense of humour. His friend group probably has a odd name that they call themselves, for example, Skuddys or Rukys.
You:”Hey! How ya doing Rushlee?”
Rushlee:”Fuck off!”
You:”Oh, ok bye
Rushlee:”Hurry up go away you dog fucker.”
by Cool Kid Sam September 25, 2019
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