2 definitions by Cookies, the other batch

Democrat - the only party that has got us in a surplus (Bill Clinton, and Andrew Jackson).
Democrats are not hippies god damnit!
Some one who believes in helping the poor and balancing the social class is a Democrat. Also helps small businesses. Government not ruled by religion.
For those who don't know what a surplus is, it when the country is making more money than it is losing.
by Cookies, the other batch April 6, 2006
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Conservatism is a political philosophy for a ruling class and economics – it recognizes a poor class and supports the fact that it will always exist, and it goes on to talk about the elitist class (the wealthy or upper class) – Conservatives believe that this elitist class is the superior class and they deserve to be the ruling class. The elitist class has no obligation to the lower classes. They believe the elitist class is the elitist class because they work harder and are smarter then the lower classes – therefore they deserver positions of power. Conservatism is basically a survival of the fittest philosophy.
For example Ronald Reagan exemplified the conservative ideals with his theory of supply-side economy better know as Reaganomics.

Macridis, Roy C. "Conservatism." Microsoft® Encarta® 2006 DVD. Redmond, WA:
Source: Microsoft Corporation, 2005.

"Ronald Reagan." Microsoft® Encarta® 2006 DVD. Redmond, WA:
Source: Microsoft Corporation, 2005.
by Cookies, the other batch April 13, 2006
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