3 definitions by Conflicting Ninny

A traditional 'goodbye' used by nerds worldwide to identify other nerds without alerting the 'norms'.
"So I'll catch you later, mate."

"En Taro Adun!"


"Oh nothing... my life for Aiur."
by Conflicting Ninny November 15, 2008
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A pirate's bottom. Often large and shapely, cause pirate's like big butts and you other brothers can't deny that when a pirate stumps in with an iddy biddy waist and shoves a cutlass in yo face... etc.
"Claim that there booty, me hearties! It'll look nice as a dress hat."

"Ay ay, cap'n!"
by Conflicting Ninny November 15, 2008
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Noun: A man who could resist everything except for temptation.

Verb: To do something incredibly intelligent.
"I just did an Oscar Wilde!"

"Wow! That's awesome!"
by Conflicting Ninny November 15, 2008
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