3 definitions by CompleteAndUtterNonsense

The 45th state.
If you live there you’re either a Mormon, Amish, or a meth addict.
Normal Human 1: I met this girl
NH2: Oh cool, where’s she from
NH1: Utah
NH2: Is she Mormon? Amish? Meth addicted?
NH1: Shes all three. How did you know?
by CompleteAndUtterNonsense November 9, 2019
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(not the country) the act of getting so high that your sexuality changes, so you have sex with a close friend (usually involves a dildo no matter the friend’s gender)
person: yo what happened last night at the party

person 2: bro my friend pulled a dirty india, she was over me all night until i let her fuck me with a dildo

person: ok
by CompleteAndUtterNonsense April 17, 2020
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