2 definitions by ColeThaTroll

A gressyhands is a human mostly boy, that has greasy hands. No matter they do they are still greasy. For example, my friend is a gressyhand. It effects his life and it is the reason why he is not good at fortnite. Also gressyhands love licking basketballs.
Aditiya why are your hands so fuxing gressyhands
by ColeThaTroll November 5, 2018
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Hes a noob. he likes boys. But he has good roasts. He is small but deadly. He likes licking feet and clipping his toenails with has nose. He's god at fortnite. he likes nuts. he likes making every word longer then it is. If you meet a sreecharen, keep him locked in your room. ( Lol half is true)
Oh god that guy is eating so much nuts he's like Sreecharen.
by ColeThaTroll August 23, 2018
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