1 definition by Cm90

An acronym for 'Car Seats For The Littles'

It's that little place on Facebook where humour and your life is sucked from you, when you can never smirk, make a funny comment or god forbid if you like a snarky comment! It's main purpose is supposed to be helping you with your kids and their car seats but they will shame you and tell you to buy a new car/car seat or replace your child. You're never good enough and neither is your car seat!
Mom: Hi, this is my child in her car seat, is it installed ok?

CSFTL tech: ok first, how old is she? Is that shoulder pads? Why isn't she rear facing? What is her height and weight? Is that A JACKET??? It doesn't matter how cold it is, jackets are never ok! Freeze all the children! You should really buy a new car or/and car seat! You can't afford it? Well you shouldn't really have had kids then.

***** THREAD CLOSED *****
by Cm90 May 23, 2014
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