2 definitions by Ckt_2007

She is the girl who isn’t afraid to speak out! She is the leader that ends up doing great things, the boss! The Sergeant! The tough, but sensitive on the inside. She makes friends easy, but is easily influenced so she needs to be careful who she hangs out with. Alyssa’s are typically friends with everyone, but personality wise, Caitlin’s, Makena’s Emilies, and other popular names spelt more exoticly! Alyssa’s love sports, mainly running and jump rope, and they struggle but succeed in school with extra studying. These people have gorgeous eyes and long or short hair, no in-between. They’ll come and greet you, but seem slightly shy until you’re in her friend group. Then she will show you her sensitive side and you can have to pleasure of knowing an Alyssa!
Boy: Hahahhah
Girl; What?
Boy: This girl just told me a joke and... yeah her.
Girl: She’s pretty, her names probably Alyssa!
by Ckt_2007 September 13, 2019
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Caitlin’s typically have blue/green eyes and light brown or blonde hair. They have a good style in clothing, but are somewhat lazy and just grab something out of their closet. They can manage looking good with no effort, and only get mad if they have build-up feelings. They fall in love easy, and heartbreak easy. If you notice a Caitlin looking at you, nows your chance! Plus, who doesn’t like a Caitlin? They have Atleast 5 friends and great charisma, if you need comfort or someone to keep a secret, Caitlin’s are the ones for you! Caitlin translates into “pure” from a different language, which they are. These people, since they are so kind are afraid to speak up for themselves when they have a big problem, causing them to be sensitive to things if they don’t talk to someone soon. Although, they have a great voice, and are great leaders and role models to all!
Girl 1: Today I-
Girl 2: ...yeah?
Girl 1: I went to the park and I saw my ex!
Girl 2: Oh cool. He’s hot, isn’t he? Why did you break up with him?
Girl 1: Excuse me?
Girl 2: ?
Girl 1: I’ll just talk to Caitlin, she will understand!
by Ckt_2007 September 13, 2019
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