3 definitions by Chungus_FootFungus

The gateway to the South where Interstate 70 & 76 meet. A small dying town with Motels, McDonalds, and Gateway. Known by the locals as the “town of motels.”

Many locals also know of many crackheads and methheads at the Breezewood Motel right across from the McDonalds. All kids go to the local Everett HS and are subject to 2 groups: Druggies and Hillbillies. Many people also visit the dead tourist trap for the Abandoned Turnpike.
Keshawn: Damn homie, Breezewood, PA

is a shithole.

Franklin: I know nigga, I finna pull up somewhere else.
by Chungus_FootFungus August 17, 2019
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After smoking (normally Marajuana) you may experience greening out.

Greening out basically is when you smoke and get really sick. Normally it comes with dizziness, impaired vision and balance, passing out, nausea, or in some extreme cases vomiting. You may also become sober extremely quick. Sometimes you may also experience chills and cold sweats. Normally, in most cases, it happens with non-smokers who are doing it for the first time.
Person 1: "Man I just took a fat ass dab and now I feel sick."
Person 2: "Bro your greening out, fuck!"
by Chungus_FootFungus September 11, 2020
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Someone who cares a lot about the people she hangs out with, but also someone who doesn't give a fuck what anyone thinks about them. Often a really pretty short girl with black or brown hair with hazel or brown eyes. May give out a chill or very hyper vibe. Can be very crazy sometimes, yet also can be super chill and relaxed. Trista's really care about their close friends, family, boyfriend/girlfriend, or husband/wife. They know when to be nice, and they know when to keep their mouths shut. No matter what, they are very good friends to have and an even better partner.
Boy 1: Bro straight up, Trista is H O T.
Boy 2: Yeah I know bro, she's so caring about others.
by Chungus_FootFungus September 11, 2020
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