4 definitions by Chris Manley

A spoonerism and euphemism for "fucking nuts" where the 1st letters of each word are switched.
No I won't type an example, that's nucking futs.
by Chris Manley January 7, 2016
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A man/woman who wears tight clothing and will deny being a hipster if asked. Usually listens to esoteric music until a non-hipster does. At rocks shows, stands still with one foot tapping along with the music and there thumbs in there pockets and may or may not subtly nod their head with the beat. Added bonus if in more than one band and has a master's degree in pop-culture.
Male hipster: "I wear woman's jeans."
Female hipster: "You're in more than one band? Let's make out."
Male/Female hipster: "You drink pino grigio too?!?! Let's make out."
by Chris Manley August 13, 2005
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With each new art movement is a rebellion against the previous one. Post-art is a rebellion against art itself.
There are too many artists. The supply has apexed the demand. Just like everyone shouldnt perform surgery, everyone shouldnt be an artist. This is for the modest artist who needs to overcome the charlatans, sans extreme self-promotion.

Don't judge the art, but rather the emotion of the potential artist. Are they willing to lose an ear for their art? Or suffer religious oppression? These are the Post-artists.
Charlatan: "come see my band."

Post-artist: "I hate music."
by Chris Manley November 24, 2005
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