2 definitions by Chickasi

An ignorant self hating person (usually colorist black men ) that would degrade and disrespect their own kind (race,ethnicity.etc) for the approval and praise from their oppressors and colonizers
Blake: I know my girl is white but I think it’s ok to say the n word y’all black ppl are so extra and rachet
Me: Shut the fuck up massa cheerleader
by Chickasi December 27, 2021
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A divibe and godly name usually given to women, it’s usually passed down from a Makagbeh that came before some people would name their child after a specific makagbeh in hopes that they’d carry some of their traits. If a makagbeh is bad there name would be changed because they are deemed unworthy for it. It also has the Mandingo suffix “beh” meaning “pure or white” some may say it translates to pure Mecca
by Chickasi April 28, 2021
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