12 definitions by Cherrykallista

A kick ass band which has neat songs such as "If I had a million dollars," and "Its all been done." They are incredibly adorable and awesome.
Ashley: I love Barenakedladies, they're so fuckin hot!
Samantha: Gross, you lesbian.
Ashley: LOL dumbass, they're a band, you retard.
by Cherrykallista July 15, 2006
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A wonderful place to be where you can let all your dreams, fantasies, even sick perversions come true, no matter who you are.
CreepyboyAndrew: I'm in my happyplace
HotChickCathy: Thats nice
CreepyboyAndrew: Wanna join me?
HotChickCathy has signed off.
by Cherrykallista July 20, 2006
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A sexy man or woman who engages in political activities, but also knows how to party.
Sally: "Let's get wasted and go march for Gay Rights."
Steve: "Damn , you are such a civilhedonist. Wanna makeout?"
by Cherrykallista July 15, 2006
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An experimental band who are crazy awesome and anarchistic. They raid against damn stupid copy right shit.
Dougin: Did you see that sweet video to "Christianity is stupid"?
Feebie: Yes, negativland is fuckin awesome.
by Cherrykallista July 15, 2006
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Awesome fantasy writer of such wonderful works as the Sandman series, "American Gods", "Stardust," and "Neverwhere." Also co-creater of the literary masterpiece "Good Omens," which almost also became the best movie in the world by the creaters of Monty Python, but was unfortunately turned down in an evil Hollywood hype fight.
Yo, Neil Gaiman is the most awesometastic writer of all time. J.K Rowling's got nothing on his shit!
by Cherrykallista July 15, 2006
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A wonderful place to go to when you are dreaming, when you need something to believe in. An imaginary world fit specifically for the dreamer.
Darla: Blahblahblah boys blahblahblah shopping blahblahblah am I too fat?....hey, Maria, are you even listening?
Maria: drool
Susan: I think shes at the waterplace

My waterplace is a big amusement park full of water rides and giant cotton candy.
by Cherrykallista July 20, 2006
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