1 definition by Chav#453

A small village in West Yorkshire. In fact so small, hardly anyone knows about it. The village has a park and that's about it. The Londis is a common refuge point for the mandem/group of chavs. Vapes are traded behind the shack by the Scouts hut in the park. Clarence Drive is full off posh twats with Volvos and Range Rovers. What ever you do, never go to Stocks Hill.
Mother: "Dearest daughter, would you be so kind as to run along to the Menston Londis and buy some gluten-free, non-dairy, no spelt essential bread. Watch out for the mandem though!"

Daughter: "Of course dear mama. I shall wear my Gucci tracksuit that daddy bought me and my Louis Vuitton handbag that daddy also bought me."
by Chav#453 March 3, 2018
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