2 definitions by Charmander W.

1. Like saying "Connect the dots". However, in a much cooler, more astronomical way.

2. A game in which several people look up into the sky and make random shapes. Whoever can make the most ridiculous pattern/shape wins! This is one way in which ancient people made constellations.
1. "Do you know if Sally and John are going out?"
"I don't know dude, why don't you connect the stars for yourself?

2. "Want to play a rousing game of Connecting the Stars?"
"Uh, sorry man, I'd love to sit around and make dots and invisible lines turn into detailed designs, but I'd rather watch paint dry."
by Charmander W. February 9, 2009
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When somebody puts some garbage in your hood when its down. The garabage can range from paper to wrappers, anything with a small enough weight so the unsuspecting person will be unaware. The person who is hood dumped on will go the rest of the day wondering why people are laughing at them until they finally find the trash.
"Dude what's this in my hood?! I found about 20 pieces of paper!"
"Ah, that sucks... Looks like you've been hood dumped."
by Charmander W. February 9, 2009
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