25 definitions by Charlie Currie, wordsmith

One who preaches the miracle nature of hydroxychloroquine sulfate that has nothing to do with the business degree they hold or the virus they're trying to cure.
Donald Trump, the proud holder of a store-bought degree in business from Wharton School of Business, waded in to the COVIC-19 discussion by suggesting hydroxychloroquine sulfate might be a miracle intervention with absolutely no foundation, making him, in medical vernacular, earning the title "hydroxy moron".
by Charlie Currie, wordsmith April 2, 2020
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A bird that is black and white and native to the Antarctic with an optimistic disposition.
Sure I'm happy, but I'm no sanguine.
by Charlie Currie, wordsmith July 12, 2018
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To have no freckles without having once had them and being defreckled.
Yeah, you're cute you freckless c*nt.
by Charlie Currie, wordsmith July 12, 2018
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She didn't see me, but I saw her.
I was in an adult novelty shop buying lubrication for a strawberry flavored relationship that I am now enjoying when behind a green plastic bag of dirty laundry, that ghosting bastard, lo and behold, exsighted.
by Charlie Currie, wordsmith April 11, 2019
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