1 definition by Channingtatum

Nickname for Meredith. She is absolutely amazing and extremely sexy. She is he's become hesitant when getting to know new people, because of past experiences. She gave her love but was left alone. Now she has a hard time trusting people with her love, so don't be offended if she doesn't appear interested. She is so sweet and will treat anyone so nicely. She loves to be touched and loves to be cuddled. Her most valuable possession is her hair. Meredoc is most commonly the one to try to make everyone happy, instead of worrying about her own well being. This is exhausting, but she can't change who she is. She is the most beautiful and unique woman, with the biggest heart. She doesn't like to be pushed into things by people who don't know her well. She picks her friends wisely, but tries to be friendly with everyone. Meredoc loves hockey boys and boys who are good looking but also great her well.
Sam: hey dude who is that angel over there? She's glowing with sexiness it makes me erotic

Troy: bro it's a Meredoc. She's so valuable. She's mine though. DIBS. I heard she's precious in bed, so don't take advantage of her.

Sam: I'm gonna take her out to dinner before you do. And then we'll drive to my apartment on the upper-east time for some sexy time.

Troy: Dude, she doesn't have sex on the first date. She likes to wait so that it's more special. I would know. Her vj is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow

Sam: Good to know. Thanks bro. I'm gonna go suck my thumb
by Channingtatum December 22, 2013
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