10 definitions by Chaltab

Generally debunked theory of the creation of the universe stating that existence began when matter condensed into a singularity and exploded across the cosmos, somehow forming life.
Since when do explosions create something as complex as a human cell?
by Chaltab March 4, 2005
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1)International clothing company that stole the soul of my brother and all of his friends, and robs the nations' youths of their money.

2)The names of our dogs. Mutts that arrived from seeminlgly nowhere.
My awesome $155 dollar shirt from Abercrombi e and fitch owns that stupid ten dollars shirt you got from walmart!
by Chaltab March 4, 2005
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Clothing store that sells cool-looking but very poorly made clothing that gives a goth, geek, or otherwise non-conformist appearance.
It's too bad that that flippin' awesome 1UP shirt I bought there less than a year ago was completely destroyed by one cycle in the washing machine.
by Chaltab March 4, 2005
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