1 definition by CelestinaWeeb

Celeste's are total hot heads. They have brown hair and light blue eyes. They know how to kick ass so watch out. Celeste's are very loyal and are super funny. Overall, Celeste's are great girlfriends. They are very hot and also very skinny. Guys (and girls) would die to have a Celeste in their life. If you have a Celeste in your life, DON'T FUCKING SCREW IT UP!!! If you do she will be gone in an instant. You can trust a Celeste with every secret you have and she won't tell a soul. Celeste's are amazing people. If you ever date a Celeste, it will feel like winning the lottery. Most Celeste's are strait but occasionally you might find either a bisexual or pansexual Celeste . Either way, Celeste's are amazing girls.
Guy1: Wow! Look at that girl. She's so hot!
Guy2: she must be a Celeste.
Guy1: I bet she's already taken though.

Guy1: Hey look it's that girl Celeste!
Guy2: I heard she was taken.
Guy1: Yeah? By whom.
Guy2: I heard she was dating a Payton
by CelestinaWeeb October 16, 2019
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