2 definitions by CbenC

A proper noun used as a name for any dbag/tool/bro whose name you don't actually know. It is imperative that this is used as a title, not an adjective. Someone doesn't act like Schwin, they are Schwin.
Random guy at the movies, yelling so that everyone can hear: "Holy s#!t, did you see that?"
You: "Shut up, Schwin!"

Random guy at the mall, checking out your friend: "'Sup babe, wanna ride? IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN?!"
Girl: "Knock it off, Schwin."
by CbenC July 27, 2009
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The act of defecating. A way to let others know that you're going to go drop the dueces like a sweaty lumberjack.
by CbenC September 10, 2009
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