2 definitions by Caylie, Cammie and Alicia

A term phrased for the act of eating soma muscle relaxers in large quantities,thus leading to the following effects:

*sudden feeling of head being very heavy
*inpaired speech and slurring of words
*all motor skills compromised
*feeling like you are in a temporary coma state where you are awake but not able to funtion
*waking up in a random place thinking WTF?!
"last night i was so messed up, i was popping somas like skittleS!!!!!"

"i'm in a soma coma, take me to the hospital!!"
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A term phrased for the act of eating soma muscle relaxers in large quantities,thus leading to the following effects:

*sudden feeling of head being very heavy
*inpaired speech and slurring of words
*all motor skills compromised
*feeling like you are in a temporary coma state where you are awake but not able to funtion
*waking up in a random place thinking WTF?!
"last night i was so messed up, i was popping somas like skittleS!!!!!"

"i'm in a soma coma, take me to the hospital!!"
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