2 definitions by Cate Unicorn
A console made by Nintendo. It is designed to be fun with many games like Super Mario Oddysey, and Pokemon Let's Go Eevee! The Nintendo Switch has two controllers that are detachable. The Nintendo Switch is
a console for fun, and Nintendo also lets you buy a Pro Controller, or more Controllers.! WOW!
a console for fun, and Nintendo also lets you buy a Pro Controller, or more Controllers.! WOW!
by Cate Unicorn February 25, 2019
A game where all fighters have arrived! Everyone from all the games (Except Waluigi). Smash Bros Ultimate is a game of a brawl against many characters from Nintendo. Some are not from Nintendo, but most of them are. They brawl and only one wins!
Isn't Super Smash Bros. Ultimate amazing?
by Cate Unicorn January 22, 2019