4 definitions by Carl Pickens


Paper money....dollars, tens, twenties, hundreds.
"Yo man....let me hold some ends. I'll hit you back on Friday, my brother."
by Carl Pickens March 20, 2007
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goof dick

One who cannot function properly in social situations.
Not only is Ted a dumb mother fucker, but the goof dick cannot control himself. It's no wonder he can't get laid in a morgue.
by Carl Pickens March 20, 2007
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chinese arithmetic

A descriptive term used to describe an extreme erection.
When Katrina was sucking my dick and it got harder than fucking chinese arithmetic.
by Carl Pickens March 20, 2007
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Hey guys! Look at the little kooncasian. He's got his mind on his money and his money on his mind.
by Carl Pickens March 20, 2007
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