2 definitions by Captain Sock

Adjective. Refers to the action of behaving in a "non-British way". It is often used of people who commit 'social crimes' in England that they know, because of the English temperament they will be able to get away with.

Examples of "Suterism" include blatantly pushing in front of a queue, knowing that they are perfectly safe because of the British hatred of confrontation.

Example use: "Did you say that Suteristic b@$tard there! I can't believe he just pushed in front of me so blatantly!"
by Captain Sock December 19, 2005
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To slap a splurge monkey. To hit, across either cheek with an open hand, someone who is acting like a splurge monkey.
Did you hear that Splurge monkey splurging? I splurge slapped him good
by Captain Sock December 28, 2005
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