2 definitions by Capn’ Obvious

A prostitute. Also an insulting reference to a cheap or whore-a-licious woman.
Aaron was so ugly that he had to use a coin operated beaver to get any.
by Capn’ Obvious July 11, 2008
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A clothing and merchandise distributor that also manufactures two-wheeled road tractors which cater to the “bad boy image” cosplay crowd.

Their clothing and “motorcycles” are generally used for hauling oversized cosplayers to their conventions, which are typically held at a local bar on weekends, or an AA meeting on weekdays. This company has enjoyed considerable success with its flashy and overpriced clothing line, as well as the equally overpriced fashion accessories they market as “cruiser motorcycles.”
See that guy in his Harley Davidson costume riding that ridiculously loud bike? He told me that “loud pipes save lives” right before he rode off on his fashion accessory without wearing a helmet. Before that he was bragging about “how much torque” his bike has, as if we’re supposed to believe it’s fast… like, JOHN DEERE TRACTOR FAST! Haha! Harley Davidson sure knows how to make money off insecurity!
by Capn’ Obvious July 3, 2023
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