2 definitions by Cap. Haddock

Usually a white male who is happy to sell out the interests of their own race/ gender for the sake of virtue-signalling, not offending the perpetually offended and pandering to everybody who is NOT either male, white or Christian. People like this are similar to useful idiots, but filled with a greater sense of self-loathing.

These people either:

a) Are stupid and short-sighted enough to believe the regressive nonsense they preach or,
b) Think that their stance is a clever strategy to gain kudos and other favours from the groups they are pandering to (e.g feminists, Muslims, non-whites etc)

The joke about a cuck letting their wife or girlfriend get fucked by other men, while sometimes true, is often closer to metaphor i.e- these people will stand by and let the things most important to them (their culture, their nation, future generations, the society whose freedoms they've enjoyed since birth) be compromised and degraded by other groups because they are too stupid or passive to stand up for what is most valuable to them...

Claiming that the word 'cuck' is strictly the domain of far-right, frog meme posting neckbeards who masturbate to Hitler pics and idolise Donald Trump is invalid and bordering on a straw man- especially in a day and age where the Overton Window has shifted so far to the left that anybody with views to the right of Bernie Sanders is deemed "The Far Right".
Male feminists are the perfect example of cucks- they're so concerned with trying to virtue-signal what an enlightened, progressive ally to women they are in an attempt to gain favour that they sell out their fellow man and turn a blind eye to the disadvantages men face in comparison with women like custody battles, workplace deaths, military combat deaths, male suicide, resources available to male victims of domestic violence etc. Either that or they're stupid enough to believe the debunked nonsense pushed by 3rd wave feminism and the left-leaning Mainstream Media.

Men in the church like Michael Frost are cucks- the type of men who cower to minorities, preach non-violence, white privelege and misinterpret Jesus command to "turn the other cheek" as justification for being a passive male that lets everybody walk over them. People like this are portrayed as "men of God" yet defend Islamic terrorism with cries of "But but but The Crusades!" and fellate groups like BLM because they're so pathetic and filled with self-loathing. People like that are the false teachers Jesus warned of in the last days...

In short, a cuck complains about Donald Trump without stopping to take a look in the mirror and realise that people just like them played a big part in shaping a culture that made Donald Trump seem like the only counter solution left for people that hadn't fallen asleep at the wheel.
by Cap. Haddock July 11, 2017
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TDS (short for Trump Derangement Syndrome) is a mental disorder whereby the person suffering from it displays and abnormal obsession with Donald J Trump, real estate tycoon and 45th President of the United States Of America. Looking through the other definitions here, you will find a large sample size of such cases-

The reality is, while TDS can be found amongst those who support Trump, it is much more commonly found amongst those who hate Trump. Symptoms of TDS include: frequent comparisons to Adolf Hitler, implying that he is the worst President (even the worst political leader of all time), emotive, hyperbolic, expletive-ridden comments on reddit, Twitter, Fb etc. to do with Trump and his supporters, the belief that the USA is home to tens of millions of actual Nazis, an unusual, child-like preoccupation with humour concerning Trump's genitalia and bowel movements, the belief that anybody who doesn't share this hysterical, spitting hatred of Trump is a Nazi, finding ways to turn virtually any unrelated conversation into another diatribe about how bad Trump is etc.

Whatever the opinion on Trump's political career, the fact he continues to live within the heads of millions of people without paying a dime in rent is further evidence that the man is, in fact, a real-estate wizard.
Person 1: Lovely day, isn't it? The sun is shining, the birds are singing...

Person 2: And Orange Hitler dumbfuck is no longer President and literally oppressing millions of people when he says stuff on Twitter that hurt my feelings, I can't believe we have so many goddamn Nazis in this country still who can't see that Drumpf is a literal fascist dictator...

Person 1: Ok buddy, save your TDS for reddit-

Person 2: Yikes! Found the racist KKK Republican Drumpftard!

Person 1: No, I never said that I-

by Cap. Haddock August 17, 2021
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