1 definition by Call(1)800-stopbeingahoe

Sculptor is the most boring school in Titusville. You have to be on a stupid list to get in, the uniforms suck, and the school is not really diverse. There are no fights and if there is any there in the bathroom and last 2 minutes. All the kids there are snitches and the teachers care more about dress code than the actual problems. All the white boys say the N word like they have a privilege. Pretty sure all the kids are racist and some of the teachers probably are. The teachers aren’t even that good only Mrs.C and Mrs.G! The food fucking sucks. And most of the girls are pick me’s. There are no cute guys only a few are decent. The Ela teacher for 7th/8th is super strict and sucks the life out of all her students. All the girls start drama but never wanna fight. The guys are annoying af. Also if you start drama with any of the girls they’ll probably post it on their stories. None of the kids are mature and they all “date for fun”. This school drains the mental health of the students and makes pretty much all the students wanna commit! Don’t come here!!
“You heard of sculptor charter school?”
“You mean the preppy white school with racist kids!”
“Yeah that one”
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