1 definition by Cademon1

The awesomest demon in all of Feudal Japan and the present day world. He is well known in the Inuyasha manga and anime for being Inuyasha half-brother, being a human-hater, but saving a human child from the clutches of death, possessing the sword of heaven, the Tenseiga, helping in the distuction of Naraku, acctually saving his hated half-brother occasionally, trying to steal Inuyashas sword, the Tetsusaiga, for looking somewhat like he's wearing make-up/ a girl, and for being, by far, the HOOOOOOOTEST Inuyasha character there is.
Sesshy doesn't have a 'natural' love intrest, so fans have taken it apon themselve to give him pairings. Some think SesshomaruxKagura is the best, others SesshomaruxKagome, the father-daughter relationship of SesshomaruxRin that some think will escalate to something more, and the little known and little liked SesshomaruxKikyo.
He is followed around by an annoying toad imp named Jaken and the human girl he saved named Rin.
"Is that Sesshomaru over there?!"


*first girl faints*
by Cademon1 July 2, 2011
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