10 definitions by CWProkiller

The most overrated and overused song on the earth. It is a predecessor of Darude - Sandstorm or 009 sound system, but unlike them, it is not only used much in youtube videos, it can also be heard everywhere, such as radios , TVs, in the mall etc. The song is the remake of Fade which was released on NCS in 2014. While the structure and melody are almost identical, "Faded" is noticeably different for its piano intro; with vocals by Iselin Solheim. As it became a hit in 2015, Alan walker immediately got millions of new fans, sadly, most of them don't know a shit about his other music like Fade, Force and Spectre, also they cannot even realise the difference between Fade and Faded, but ignores it anyway.
"To be honest, I've never liked Fade. I've always found it pretty bland and boring, and the mix of it was pretty shit. The vocal version is listenable now that they cleared up the mix and master, and the acoustic parts are decent, but it's still boring to me."

"alan walker - faded is pure cancer song."

"Hate it a lot, one of the worst songs ever, if not the worst"

Random person: "What is the name of the song playing in the background of this video?"
Captain :"It's alan walker fade"
Dumbass :"No its faded, I heard this song"
Captain :"Bitch. It's FADE"
by CWProkiller February 4, 2017
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Gayfag producer with shitty hair and glasses. He's one of the most overrated producer on earth, with getting billions of views on his youtube videos and followed by many sheeples and faggots fanboys like him. He claims that he produces "dubstep" and EDM but those are worst kind of music and disgrace to the EDM legacy. His shitty mainstream music is the reason for EDM is being hated by millions of people, and a tarnishing of dubstep genre. He was a no one before bangarang, but he's now considered "King of dubstep" by many normalfags and sheeples.
" Dubstep was the most underground form of dance music for several good years before Rusko and Skrillex starting making music that sounds like gay robot sex. "

"i do believe Skrillex is Highly overrated.
in songs like bangarang you could question the genre it is labeled as
as well as there are allot better artists out there e.g PegboardNerds, Droptek or Tristam "

""tbh, I think that kind of music is just annoying noice. What's the point of making a song of just a beat? other than for the club or something. ""
by CWProkiller February 12, 2017
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A game mode that is featured on most of the first person shooter games. Sometimes called "Deathmatch". In this type of game, you fight against everyone others. Compared to Last man standing, free for all has unlimited respawn.
In CoD4 MW, shipment is the best map for free for all game mode.
by CWProkiller June 20, 2017
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