3 definitions by CORLAShlalas

It's just plain water, but boiled, then chilled.

How to make is:

* Put water in a pot with the stove on high
*Let water come to bubbling brew
*take water and put it in the freezer.

*Freeze it till just before it turns to water rocks
*then take out and put it into your best sippy cup.
* feed it to your newborn. They will love it.
My grandmother decided to give me a bottle of plain, boiled water, and I loved it.
Have you tried their plain, boiled cold water? It's delicious.
by CORLAShlalas March 8, 2019
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Sea by the side. Side by the sea. You know, the beach. That one thing with all the sand. The one that isn't a lake. or a pond or your tub.
"I'm gonna go bury by brother by the sea side"
by CORLAShlalas March 8, 2019
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mwah mwah
by CORLAShlalas March 8, 2019
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