1 definition by CAPS-Eyes

Jair Bolsonaro is Brazil's psycho new president with a misguided mission: to make money from the burnt remains of the Amazon rainforest, the 'Lungs of the Earth' that help balance our biosphere & clean our over-polluted atmosphere..

I.E. 'Jair' is in fact a murderous old troll whose wack legacy will wind up furthering extinction of all life on Earth..
Brazil's emergence as a climate-changing pro-industry rainforest-razing Fascist dictatorship is, however extreme-it may seem, an unTimely Grimm-like reality due to a violent coup led by now-President *Jair* Bolsonaro -- a hate-filled ReLic reminiscent of ruthless rulers of yore, whose greed & arrogant rejection of 1st-Nations' rights threaten the Amazon's 'Lungs of the Earth'..
Pray for Brazil's own indigenous people now facing genocide -- & make your disgust known by boycotting Brazilian exports, among them Burger King/McDonalds beef..
by CAPS-Eyes December 16, 2019
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