1 definition by C.T.W.

Noun - A pathetic, worthless, inbred, rancid excuse for a human being. A Juggalo, otherwise known as the previous, is a tool who listens to, masturbates to, and worships the equally pathetic, worthless, inbred and rancid "music group" known as "Insane Clown Posse", or "Insanely Gay Clown Pussies." Most commonly, the Juggalos are the unfortunate offspring of a wifebeating, WWE watching, gambling alcoholic with snaggle-teeth, and a saggy-tittied, rotten crotched, woman-cow who lost her virginity when she was 9.

Juggalos commonly associate with other Juggalos, and have Juggalo Circle Jerks.

Juggalos believe that all other music is inferior to the vexatious, arrhythmical noise produced by "Insanely Gay Clown Pussies."

Jugglettes, not to be confused with a human female, is the effeminate equivalent of a Juggalo, except sporting breasts and a smelly, hotdog-worn crease otherwise known as the Vagina. They too "Rep da hatchet."

All in all, Juggalos and Jugglettes are the scum of the Earth and retain the equal value as the shit in the toilet of a truck stop restroom and are equally as disgusting.
Juggalo - "i rep da hatchet! icp is da gratest band eva!!1!!1!!!"
(Note the misspellings. They are a realistic emphasis on how uneducated Juggalos really are.)

Me - "No. Just no. ICP is hardly a band, and they're hardly people. They are just as much of a pile of camel feces are you are."
by C.T.W. August 10, 2011
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