1 definition by By "hot cheetos" and die.

Classy, sociable and passionate, Kaylen is her own unique brand of sexy! If you like a lady who always looks good, can charm anyone, and also embraces her feminine and wild sides then look no further!
Always fashionable, elegant and well groomed, she is tasteful and sophisticated, with an eye for quality, beauty and harmony in all things. The refined and caring woman loves everything about romance, seduction and partnership. She will constantly work towards improving a relationship, and care for her partner both physically and emotionally.
She probably has a very large network of friends and a hectic social life. This can make dating difficult initially unless you like crowds, and can often leave you wondering where exactly you fit into her life. Kaylen can also come across as somewhat egotistical at times, which can compound this situation. Kaylen.
Holy cow Kaylen! Just look at you glow you cunt. Looking at you Kaylen the pow pow pow pow out of those nigga eyes. Shabam.

#eat shit and die #dildo #loves foods #succeed #Kaylen #leshit
by By "hot cheetos" and die. December 20, 2016
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