3 definitions by Burrito!

Noun: Jeep + People. Jeeple describes the comradery and cult-like mentality of Jeep owners, most commonly seen with owners of extensively modified Jeeps but affects all Jeep lovers alike. Jeeple have coined the terms such as "It's a Jeep thing" and actions such as the "Jeep Wave".
If you're not a Jeeple, then fuck you!
by Burrito! August 14, 2011
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A combination of shit hits the fan and worse comes to worst.

An expression used to convey that a situation has taken on a negative path or direction, or the situation has evolved into the absolute worst possible, chaotic state.
If shit comes to fan, we'd better run!
by Burrito! May 21, 2010
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Nirbil is a new form of the (generally racist) word nigger in reference to african-american slaves;
It is a combination of nigger and gerbil.
The words were combined to form Nirbil in order to express the tedious repetitive "tasks" that a gerbil would often be found doing (such as aimlessly running around the gerbil/hamster wheel), only the tedious repetitive "tasks" are being carried out by a nigger.
T) Why'd the refrigerator stop working?
B) Hmmm...the nirbil must've fallen asleep in the basement. He cranks the generator
by Burrito! September 20, 2008
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