2 definitions by BurnItgood

Swinelie: Is the attempt at lying about where the swine flu originated.

-The SwineLie originates from a random hispanic that entered my shop and stated that the swine flu originated in the USA.
"You know homes the swine flu originated in the US then was taken to Mexico."

"Thats a Dirty SwineLie, No bad disease originates in The US. AIDS- Africa SARS-China Swine Flu-Without a doubt dirty ass mexico.
by BurnItgood May 11, 2009
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Swipey is a term used for a person that comes into you store and switches the tags around to try to get a better price.
Customer "Why the hell is this screwdriver 300 dollars.."
Employee " That Damned Swipey Again!"
by BurnItgood May 11, 2009
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