1 definition by BrooklynBredGirl
Stanley Tookie Williams along with Raymond Washington created what would later become known as the Crips. Tookie never imagined the Crips would become what they became. What had once been a group protecting their neighborhood, they spinned out of control and turned into the people they had come up to protect their home from. They never meant for the Crips to be this way.The Crips than lost Raymond Washington who was killed. Tookie had less control than he did before, hating what the Crips became. He was than arrested and put on death row. He kept his loyalty to the Crips, though he was unsure of if he could keep on going with the Crips. Then he found Redemption. Dedicating his life to trying to keep other kids from making the same mistakes he did. He wrote kids books promoting a gang free life and was nominated for noble peace prizes. He tried to end the Crips, he did change a lot of minds but was put to death in prison before he could do more. Was Tookie a bad person? No, I believe he is someone to greatly look up to, someone who had the stength to look at who he became and change into the better person he wanted to be. Thats more than most of us can do. Stanley Tookie Williams, Rest In Peace.
Stanley "Tookie" Williams found redemption and dedicated his life to helping others to not make the same mistakes he did.
by BrooklynBredGirl April 11, 2010