2 definitions by Brian (the ultimate Tard)

DC is an abbreviation for the two-word phrase I coined "diseased cunt." The phrase is derived from bad experiences I had with a rather promiscuous female individual (see skank, slut, or stankbox). DC's run rampant throughout society and should be avoided.
1. When a thought of DC enters my head, I shudder and check my groinal area (just to make sure everything is still intact).
2. Man, DC had every STD known to mankind.
3. I saw your ex, DC, at the mall today. WTF were you thinking bud?
by Brian (the ultimate Tard) March 23, 2006
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1. The master of all retarded behavior.
2. One who excels in tardness.
Put the midget down, tardmaster!
by Brian (the ultimate Tard) February 23, 2006
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