1 definition by BriBaby123

When someone asks you to do something and your don't want to or is to lazy to do so. But they keep on begging you to do it. So you just say under your breath "fuck it" or just reply to the person fuck it and just do it.
Mom:get up and come wash these dishes.
Kid: I'm tired I don't feel like it.
Mom:come do these dishes before I drag you outta the bed.
Kid: says under breath (fuck it I'll just hurry and get this over with)
Kid: OK mom I'm coming

Texting each other
Girl: are you going to the party tomorrow?
Boy: nah I don't wanna go

Girl: come on it this party will be dead with out you
Girl: please! please! please!
Boy: fuck it whatever I will be there
by BriBaby123 March 12, 2016
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