2 definitions by Breakfastbeerz

To fall victim to a twitter troll that argues just for the sake of arguing whom often alters facts, if not entirely makes them up on the fly, in order to push an agenda that they may or may not even support.
So I was discussing the Replace and Repealment of Obamacare when some dbag slid into my DMs and Jimbered me with some nonsense about how Obamacare added 32 million jobs to the economy last year.
by Breakfastbeerz June 7, 2018
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Commonly used on Twitter as an abbreviated form of CoWorker.
HR: *sighs* what is it this time.
ME: A CW drank the last of the coffee and didn't refill the pot, so I shat on her keyboard.
HR: LOLZ, good one!
by Breakfastbeerz August 24, 2015
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