2 definitions by Braedon13

One of the greatest insults of all time. It is a combination of the words noob and douche. Equation: noob + douche = nouche!

B- "That Andrew kid is such a nouche!"
S- "He's a noob and a douche!"
B- "That's why I called him a nouche!"
by Braedon13 May 15, 2008
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Nouche refers to somebody is a noob and a douche. It is a combination of the two words, and is considered to be a ghastly insult to one's character. Also can be refered to as a nouche-bag.
Sean-Dude, Andrew is a noob...And a douche!
Braedon- From now on, just say nouche...
Sean- Hahahahh
by Braedon13 May 16, 2008
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