3 definitions by Bowl Ripping Duck

An activity that is enhanced by lighting up a blunt beforehand, during, or immediately afterward. Appropriate situations include celebrating a major sports victory, finishing a semester of school, or seeing a movie in 3D. Should not be confused with a jointivity.
The group of friends were about to see Tron 3D, and quickly realized that they were about to partake in a bluntivity.
by Bowl Ripping Duck January 4, 2011
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An activity that is enhanced by lighting up a joint beforehand, during, or immediately afterwards. Appropriate situations include road trips, concerts, and admiring beautiful views. Should not be confused with a bluntivity.
Given that their upcoming road trip to Sasquatch would happen right at sundown, the group of friends decided that a minimum of an ounce would be necessary for a jointivity of such great magnitude.
by Bowl Ripping Duck January 4, 2011
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A weekday evening, traditionally Tuesday, in which you party as you would on a typical weekend. Participation in a fraternity or sorority is by no means required to enjoy fratuesday, though the phrase was coined by a Delta Sig and a Theta Chi at University of Oregon. A common accompanying tagline is 'It's the Weekend of the Week!'
The friends were looking forward to a fratuesday full of speed quarters, beer pong, and perhaps even a bong rip or two with the Pi Phi and Kappa girls
by Bowl Ripping Duck January 26, 2011
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