1 definition by Boobeta

A badass, supportive military spouse; particularly attached to Army Infantry. Commonly distinguished by the following characteristics:

-General disdain for stupid fucks
-Ability to laugh and make inappropriate jokes
-Joke about/ show disgust/ show and understand frustration toward POG 's, civis, and dependas
-Have general proficiency as a human
-Embrace, not whine, about their lot as a military spouse
-Have knowledge and proficiency with firearms
-Ability to reload for your grunt and/ability to spot and/or snipe with him
-Have the backbone and knowledge to defend themselves, their family, their home, and their loved ones
-Adopts stray grunts, particularly during holidays and weekends and makes all feel like family
-The true definition of a loyal and patriotic American woman
"Did you hear about what happened when those guys tried to threaten her when her man was overseas? I heard she went grunt wife on them and met them at the door with the shotgun. She called the cops for their protection, not hers!"

He knew she was a true grunt wife when she confessed to him that she thought the sound of a 240b going cyclic was sexy as fuck.
by Boobeta February 17, 2016
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