1 definition by Blackthorn7861

PMS = Pre Menstrual Syndrome
*A way to avoid PMS is to have PMS. Let me explain.

To Avoid Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) you should have Pre Marital Sex (PMS).

And by the way.... Men are right about PMS, I am a complete Psycho Bitch when I have PMS! And I think everyone around me when I'm PMSing suffers more than me! Duh, it's not that bad for me, thats why they make Midol! But I do have a correction, it's not just men us PMSing women get mad at, its any person or object that pisses us off for any reason.
My Shrink: Megan, what the fuck? your dad tells me you threw a computer out the window last week? Lets talk about it.

Me: Yeah. I was PMSing.

My Shrink:O. Nevermind then, that explains it all!!
by Blackthorn7861 June 25, 2007
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