2 definitions by Blānk man

A compound pseudo-German usage of 'Schitz', which means "to slice/segment" and 'Grüb', which is a truncation of "Grüben" meaning to meet yet really a corruption of 'Grub' meaning "to dig/pit".
It is an alternate form of the usage "Schnitzengruben" from the movie Blazing Saddles, and as such may have elements of humor (including double entendre) involved.

It is simply another way of saying "aw shucks" or "cut the garbage". It is also a hearty alternative to shouting expletives and cussing.
Ah Schnitzengrübs, I just missed my ride and have to wait another 20 minutes.
by Blānk man October 16, 2016
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Ferkenshnirtz, alternately spelled as 'Ferkenshnertz', is a verbal expression of surprise and distaste toward an event that annoys and dismays you. It is similar to the euphemism "oh shoot!".

This term is, as far as I know, is my made up term to shrugg off frustrating encounters such as instances in video games of dying or failing to pass a level in frequently comical and unrealistic ways.

It is essentially verbal shrugging meant for things that should not have been a problem.
The term itself is also an amalgamated corruption of 'ferk and schnirtz', which themselves could be corrupted and softened expletives.
Ah Ferkenshnirtz, I just lost all my gear!

I should have passed this Ferkenshnirtzen level ages ago!
by Blānk man October 16, 2016
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