2 definitions by Bjorn Svedkins

The excuse for running around town whilst looking at your phone the entire time. The whole time, you're shouting names that sound like bizarre diseases to elders.
Person 1 "Why is David running around the field shouting some weird disease?"
Person 2 "He's playing Pokémon Go. It uses GPS to find Pokémon"
Person 1 "Let's hope it finds him a hospital."
by Bjorn Svedkins July 12, 2016
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Someone who dresses as a stereotypical hipster scarves, plaid, uptilt fedora, etc. as a personal preference as opposed to wearing it for the soul reason that it is quintessentially hipster.
"He's been wearing that fedora for weeks now! By George, he's unironically hipster!"

"When I moved to Portland, Oregon, everybody called me a hipster. Little did I know they were unironically hipsters."

"Johnny Deep is unironically hipster. Who else would wear 20 scarves at once?"
by Bjorn Svedkins July 7, 2016
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