1 definition by Bildog

Slurage: The act of grammatical laziness causing one to inconsistently add and/or subtract letters from a word creating a sometimes more efficient figure of speech. In the construction of a Slurage one will find the possibilities to be as endless, dangerous, amusing, witty, ugly, random, and will come to realize that the benefits of their Slurage to mankind are not only minimal but are as non-existent as the leprechaun in Alabama.
EX: A worthless potato may choose to mash the words those and were together giving water birth to the new slurage - Twer.

Bruce Springsteen Slurage: "Twer the glory days."

Bryan Adams Summer of '69 Slurage: "Twer the best days of my life."

Hillbilly pip-squeak slurage: "Twer mine!!!"
by Bildog October 12, 2011
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